Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online

 Prenatal yoga is for pregnant women who will be soon giving birth to a baby. The normal practice of yoga has everything that a person's body needs when it is in normal dimensions. But as you know, the female body changes due to pregnancy. And doing normal yoga becomes impossible for females. So, a new type of yoga was invented. It is a type of yoga that is based on different poses that are designed for pregnant women. It allows them to move, experience, and stay healthy. It also helps them prepare for giving birth and keeps them healthy after birth. It also reduces the impacts of pregnancy on the female body, meaning that it can keep you active, healthy, and fit all the time.

What is Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online?

Due to the rise of the popularity of prenatal yoga, there is a huge demand for prenatal yoga teachers. A lot of people see this opportunity and want to become online prenatal yoga teachers. But there are a few limitations, you cannot become a prenatal yoga teacher on your own. You need to complete a training course and also need a certification to prove that you are qualified.


A lot of schools, ashrams, and yoga studios are offering this type of prenatal yoga teacher training course. But you will also need other courses. For example, to become a yoga teacher you need to complete a 200 hours mandatory course and after that do a specialization course into prenatal yoga teacher training. The prenatal yoga teacher training course is short and takes only 20 to 50 hours of courses to master.


But most of these courses are offline and you have to travel somewhere to learn these courses. Traveling and spending a lot of time and money on yoga learning is not possible for everyone. So, there are other options for such people. It is the option of online yoga teacher training. There are online prenatal yoga teacher training courses that students from anywhere can join to learn yoga. These are short courses and provide the same experience but cost a lot less money and time.

Top Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online:

Below is a list of the top prenatal yoga teacher training courses online. This list is based on the merits of the courses.

    Arhanta Yoga Ashram Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online:

It is a complete course that includes physical training of prenatal yoga and also theoretical and philosophical training as well. This course is offered by the Arhanta Yoga Ashram which is one of the largest and most renowned online yoga centers in the world. After completing this course online you will be able to practice and teach yoga to others.


This is a course that involves learning multiple poses that are easy for pregnant women to do and the poses that will help them. You can register for this course by clicking on their register button and selecting the course of your choice. They will provide you with a dashboard and access to the complete data related to the course. You can learn at your own pace from the High comfort. Also, you will get multiple recorded lectures and you can talk to your teachers about the course at any time. 

    Bliss Baby Yoga’s Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online:

The bliss baby yoga studio is a modern yoga studio that has a strong online presence. It only offers courses related to prenatal yoga teacher training and sessions on prenatal yoga. These courses are short and require 20 to 50 hours to complete. These courses are taught by experts and experienced teachers. You can join these courses by going to their website and signing up for the course. You will have to pay and after that, you will get access to the course material. The sessions have already been recorded but they have a support system to help you learn and everything.

    Yoga Point’s Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online:

Yoga Point is also one of the best online yoga centers that offer a lot of courses. One of these courses is the online prenatal yoga teacher training course for those who want to become prenatal yoga teachers. This course can help you become a teacher because it is a highly accredited course and certification will be valid internationally. Meaning that you can teach yoga to anyone anywhere in the world. You can join this course through the online portal of their website. You will have to pay after that you will get access to a dashboard that would contain course material. Most of the lectures are recorded but some sessions are also online.

     Mamata Yoga’s Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online:

Mamata Yoga's prenatal yoga teacher training course online is also known as one of the best courses. This course offers detailed information about prenatal yoga, how to do the poses in prenatal yoga. What poses are the best for what stage of the pregnancy and how women can prepare themselves for giving birth. This is also a short course that you can join through their online website. You will get access to their website and after that, you will learn from recorded material.

Why Is Online PYTT Better?

Online prenatal yoga teacher training is better because you can do it from home. You will not have to travel. It is also a cheaper and affordable option. Quality of education is also the same in both of these courses that is why PYTT is better.


If you are looking for the best course that has everything and that can make you an expert in prenatal yoga, then you should go for the arahant yoga ashrams' prenatal yoga teacher training course online. This is because this course will give you access to a better quality of yoga educational experience. Teachers here are highly certified and their certification is valid worldwide. Meaning that you can open your yoga studio anywhere in the world.
